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Источники иллюстраций

Cover - Т. Nebbia, DPI. I - W. Ruth, Bruce Coleman, Inc. 5,8-9 - George Calef. II - T. McHugh, Photo Researchers, Inc. 14-15 - S. Wilson, Entheos. 17 - John Domlnls, Time Inc. 18 - R. Kinne, P. R., Inc. 19 - M. Levy, P. R., Inc. 20, 21 - C. Bavlgnoli, Time Inc. 22 (top) - S. Trevor, B. C., Inc., (bottom, left) - H. Albrecht, В. C., Inc, (bottom, right) - S. Trevor, B. C., Inc. 23 - (top, left) - R. Kinne, P. R., Inc., (top, right) - G. Shapira, P. R., Inc., (bottom, left) - S. Trevor, B. C., Inc., (bottom, right) - Leonard Lee Rue III, B. C., Inc. 24-25 (top) - T. Nebbia, DR. 24 - John Dominis, Time Inc. 25 - John Dominis, Time Inc. 26-27 - John Dominis, Time Inc. 32-33 - Leonard Lee Rue III, P. R., Inc. 33 - John Dominis, Time Inc. 34 - M. N. Boulton, Nat'l. Audubon Society Collection, P. R., Inc. 34-33 - Tatarsky, DR. 37 - N. Myers, В. С., Inc. 39 - E. Appel, P. R., Inc. 40 - С Haagner, B. C., Inc. 40-41 - N. Myers, B. C., Inc. 42 (left) - Leonard Lee Rue III, В. С., Inc., (right) - K. W. Fink, B. C., Inc. 43 (top) - G. D. Plage, В. С., Inc., (bottom) - Leonard Lee Rue III, В. С., Inc. 44 - (top) - N. Myers, В. С., Inc., (bottom) - R. D. Estes, P. R., Inc. 45 (top) - M. Quraishy, В. С., Inc, (bottom) - N. Myers, B. C., Inc. 46 - Peter B. Kaplan. 47 (top) - Nina Leen, (bottom) - С Bavagnoli. Time Inc. 49 - E. Appel, P. R., Inc. 50 (top) - G. Holton, P. R., Inc, (bottom) - Bruce Coleman, Inc. 51 (left) - Bruce Coleman, Inc., (right) - D. Steffen, P. R., Inc. 52-53 - T. Hollyman, P. R., Inc. 54-55 - M. P. Kahl, В. С., Inc. 55 (top) - Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom) - F. Erize, В. С., Inc. 56-57 - Des & Jen Bartlett, B. C., Inc. 58 - F. Erize, B. C., Inc 58-59 - R. Peterson, P. R., Inc. 61 - H. Reinhard, В. С., Inc. 62 - H. Reinhard, B. C., Inc. 63 (top) - J. Foott, В. С., Inc., (bottom) - N. Myers, B. C., Inc. 65 - J. Van Wormer, В. С., Inc. 66 - Bruce Coleman, Inc. 66-67 - J. M. Burnley, B. C., Inc. 76 - E. R. Degginger, B. C., Inc. 77 - B. Campbell, B. C., Inc. 78 - Peter B. Kaplan, P. R., Inc. 79 (top) - M. N. Boulton, B. C., Inc., (bottom) - K. Tanaka, Animals Animals. 80-81 - T. Nebbia, DR. 83 - Leonard Lee Rue III, B. C., Inc. 84 - S. Wilson, DR. 84-85 - N. Devore III, В. С., Inc. 86-87 - J. Verde, P. R., Inc 87 - K. Brate, P. R., Inc. 88 - H. Engels, Nat'l. Audubon Society Collection, P. R., Inc. 89 - J. M. Burnley, Nat'l. Audubon Society Collection, P. R., Inc. 90 (top) - M. P. Kahl, B. C., Inc., (bottom) - H. Reinhard, B. C., Inc. 9 I (top) - J. Burton, B. C., Inc., (bottom) -R. Kmne, P. R., Inc. 93-J. Hancock, P. R., Inc. 95 - B. Brooks, В. С., Inc. 96 (top) - John Dominis, Time Inc., (bottom) - Dain, P. R., Inc. 97 - K. Gunnar, В. С., Inc. 98-99 - K. Gunnar, B. C., Inc 99 - J. Foott, B. C., Inc. 100 (top) - P. Thatcher, P. R., Inc., (bottom) - K. Fink, P. R., Inc. 101 (top) - K. Fink, B. C., Inc, (bottom) - E. Duscher, B. C., Inc. 102 - D. Hiser, P. R., Inc 103 (top) - Bob & Clara Calhoun, В. С., Inc., (bottom) - W. Fraser, B. C., Inc. 104 - Bruce Coleman, Inc. 105 (top) - T. Branch, P. R., Inc., (bottom) - W. Ruth, B. C., Inc. 107 - Leonard Lee Rue III, B. C., Inc. 108 - K. Fink, Nat'L. Audubon Society Collection, P. R., Inc. 109 (top) - N. Mishler, P. R., Inc., (bottom) - J. Couffer, B. C., Inc 110-111 - LB.JLennings, Nat'l. Audubon Society Collection, P. R., Inc. 110 - K. Fink, Nat'l. Audubon Society Collection, P. R., Inc. 111 - F. Erize, B. C., Inc. 113 - Wolfgang Bayer. 114 - T. Nebbia, DR. 114-115 -H. Sylvester, Rapho, P. R.,Inc. 120-121 - B. Eppridge, Time Inc. 121 - N. Devore III, B. C., Inc. 122-125 - Wolfgang Bayer. 128 - W. Ruth, В. С., Inc.

Photographs on endpapers used courtesy Time - Life Picture Agency, Russ Kinne and Stephen Dalton, P. R., Inc., and Nina Leen.

Film sequences p. 10 - "Mustang", a program in the Time - Life Television series Wild, Wild, World of Animals.

ILLUSTRATION p. 12 - L. Raboni; p. 13 - C.Tarka; pp.28-3 I - С Robinson; pp. 72-75 and 117-119 - John Groth; pp. 88 and 108 - Enid Kotschnig.

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